
Offering an affordable alternative to traditional interior design services, e-design gives you all the same expertise, we just deliver that to you electronically. No need to schedule appointments, We zoom and we email. Great for DIY enthusiasts, e-design is the perfect solution for budget conscious people that want the expertise without the hassle of appointments and time consuming consultations. It is a much simpler option with a faster turnaround.

How it works is simple. You take the photos and measurements of your space, share your design ideas and pinterest boards with us via email and we get to work.

Once we have delivered our designs to you, you can take the reigns and get your DIY on, or for a step up we can offer to connect you to trades and help you source your finishes.

What you get is two colour scheme/concepts to choose from. Once you choose which one you love most we provide, one floor plan, one rendered drawing and specification schedules of suggested products. These are sourced through retail rather than through trade suppliers. We deliver all this to you electronically for a flat fee of $650. If you want to add the step up and have us connect you to trades and source your finishes through our network, we offer that service at an additional fee and will discuss your exact requirements with you if the need arises.

e-design is a fast an easy way to have your space created by an interior designer without breaking the bank.

Read more about e-design here.